to 260
(A. R. No. 325 of 1913).
the same temple.
the right doorjamb in the main entrance into the Sivakami-Amman shrine.
present inscription states that the pillar (tirunilaikal) on which it is
engraved was the gift of Perumalpillai alias Solakonar, an
officer (mudali) of Avanialappirandan Kopperunjinga, on behalf of his
(A. R. No. 367 of 1918).
Shiyali Taluk, Tanjore District.
a slab built into the floor of the inner circuit of the Brahmapurisvara temple.
fragmentary inscription records a gift of land for reciting the tiruppadiyam
hymns in the temple of [Aludaiya]-Pillaiyar.
(A. R. No. 391 of 1918).
the south wall of the first prakara in the same temple.
this damaged inscription the regnal year is lost. Some of the inscribed slabs
are also missing. It seems to record the gift of a garden, free of taxes, in
Akkur, to the Padimattar of the temple of Mahasastan Peruvembudaiyar by
(the authorities) of the temple of Tiruttonipuramudaiyar.
(A. R. No. 543 of 1920).
Chidambaram Taluk, South Arcot District.
the north wall of the central shrine in the Viranarayanasvamin temple.
damaged inscription registers the kadaiyidu granted by the officer (mudaliyar) Iladattaraiyar under the following circumstances: Owing to some offence
of . . . . . . . . . . Brahmarayan, his lands measuring 34 ma in extent
were ordered to be sold in the 15th year and 295th day of
the rule of the chief. According to the decision of the officer mentioned above
to sell these lands to temples which had surplus money left, the temple of
Tuvarapati-Emberuman purchased them for 20,000 kasu from the amount
provided for buying ornaments to the god Mannanar. On the representation of the
trustees of the temple that the planting of boundary stones and the engraving of
this transaction on temple walls had not yet been carried out, Iladattaraiyar
now issued a kadaiyidu for completing the procedure. The document is
signed by the accountant Alattudaiyan and Umiyur Tiruvenkadu-Bhattan.
(A. R. No. 388 of 1921).
Cuddalore Taluk, South Arcot District.
the south wall of the first prakara in the Tiruvirattanesvara temple.
a portion of this inscription is preserved. The date of the epigraph is also
lost. It records the provision made by Surainayakan Pugalalvan for
burning a perpetual lamp in the temple of Tiruvirattanamudaiya-Nayanar at
â¦â¦â¦.[pu]ram in Tirumunaippadi, situated in Rajadhiraja-valanadu.
(A. R. No. 433 of 1921).
Tirukkoyilur Taluk, South Arcot District.
the west wall of the mandapa containing the Somskanda images, in the
Kripapurisvara temple.
is a memorandum issued to Chinattaraiyan who was in charge of Vilinallur in Sendamangalapparru, evidently in the time of Kopperunjingadeva. It
states that the kaniyalar planted areca-palms and betel creepers from
the 26th year of the chief on lands in Vilinallur watered by the
spring-channel which irrigated the village Ponmeyndasolamangalam, belonging to
the god Atkondadeva at Tiruvennainallur. Objection having been raised to the
use of this channel in the village Vilinallur, facilities were, on
representation, provided for raising new groves on lands with wells and also
for exchanging lands which ere assessed at a lower rate. The document is
attested by kopperunjinga and Tondaiman, who also figure as
signatories in a record of Sakalabhuvanachakravartti Avanialappirandan
Kopperunjingadeva, dated in the 18th year[1].
(A. R. No. 484 of 1921).
the north wall of the central shrine in the Vaikuntha-Perumal temple in the
same village.
is in an order of Kadavarayan issued to the trustees of the temple of
Alagiyapallava-vinnagar-Emberuman at Tiruvennainallur remitting the taxes on
the tiruvidaiyattam lands, for effecting repairs to the temple which was
constructed by his mother but which had become ruined after the death of his
father Manavalapperumal. The order is signed by Kadavarayan. It may be noted
that the god Vaikuntha-Perumal at Tiruvennainallur was called
Alagiyapallava-vinnagar-Emberuman after the surname of Manavalapperumal[2],
the father of Kopperunjingadeva II. The donor Kadavarayan may be identified
with Kopperunjingadeva (II).
(A. R. No. 503 of 1926).
Chidambaram Taluk, South Arcot District.
the west and south walls of the central shrine in the Pranava-Vyaghrapurisvara
date of this damaged inscription is lost. It gives an instance of how the
temple came to the rescue of persons placed in financial difficulties. The
record states that certain Brahmans of Ulagalandasola-chaturvedimangalam, a brahmadeya
in Merka-nadu, a subdivision of Virudarajabhayankara-valanadu âon the northern
bankâ, had stood surety for some tenants who went away without paying the dues
on their lands. The duty of paying the arrears of dues devolved upon these
persons, who when pressed for payment tried in vain to transfer the lands to
others. Finally they requested the trustees of the temple, evidently at
Omampuliyur, to advance them money by taking at least a portion of the land as tirunamattukkani.
The trustees thereupon sold some ornaments in the treasury which were perhaps
not in use, and with the proceeds, assisted the Brahmans by buying the land for
the temple.
this inscription Omampuliyur is called Ulagalandasola-chaturvedimangalam.
(A. R. No. 383 of 1928-29).
Conjeeveram Taluk, Chingleput District.
the east wall of the compount wall of the Trailokyanatha (Jain) temple.[3]
record states that the wall on which it is found was built by Alagiya-Pallavan.
From paleography it may be assigned to the 13th century A.D. since
the surname Alagiya-Pallavan was borne by the elder and the younger Kopperunjingadeva,
it is evident that this wall must have been raised during their period, and
more probably it came into existence in the time of the younger chief.
(A. R. No. 98 of 1934-35).
Vriddhachalam Taluk, South Arcot District.
the north wall of the kitchen in the Vriddhagirisvara temple.
In this inscription the
beginning of lines except that of the first is lost. It is engraved in
continuation of No. 144 above dated in the 4th year of
Kopperunjingadeva (II). It registers a gift of 96 sheep by Alappirandi
Sutta[lvi] for burning a perpetual lamp in the temple of Udaiyar
For Manavalapperumal, see A. R. Nos. 133 of 1900, 313 of 1902, 43 and 73
of 1903, 63 of 1919 and Ep. Ind. Vol. XXIV, pp. 22 ff.
On the north side of the altar built round the kura tree in the same
temple is a slightly damaged inscription of the 13th century
recording the construction in stone of this altar to the west of the place
where three sages reside (i.e., in the temple of Trailokyanatha) at Tirupparuttikkunra
(near) Kachchi, by a Pallava chief. This chief is probably to be identified
with Kopperunjingadeva who constructed the compound wall of the temple.
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