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text line 17, add a hyphen after Mṛigathaṇikâhâra. |
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footnote 19. The suggestion that Gaṁgâdharêṇa was intended, may be cancelled ; ‘Gayâdhara’ occurs, as a proper name, in Ind. Ant. Vol. XV. pp. 40, 45, verse 81. |
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17 |
line 10 from below, for Alamanda, real Alamaṇḍa. |
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21 |
..,,.. 4, for the keeper of records, real the goldsmith. |
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24 |
..,,..11. The inscriptions of the Raṅganâyaka temple at Nellore show that Vikramasiṁhapura is an ancient surname of the town of Nellûr (Nellore). As Biṭraguṇṭa is said to have been 3 yôjanas distant from it (see page 33, verse 19),
the length of the yôjana at the time of the Biṭraguṇṭa grant must have been 25 : 3 = 8⅓ miles. |
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35 |
No. 5, paragraph 2. Mr. Venkayya informs the Editor that the goddess of the Mârgasahâyêśvara temple at Viriñchipuram in the Vellore tâluka of the North Arcot district is now called Marakatavalli, and accordingly proposes to identify Maratakanagara (for Marakatanagara) with Viriñchipuram itself. |
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37 |
text line 1, for भूयस्य , read भूयस्यै. |
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51 |
..,,...,,.. 4,..,, âṅganâ-pâtîyamâna, read âṅgan-â(ô)pagîyamâna. |
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52 |
translation, paragraph 3, line 5, read whose pure fame is belong sung by the women of the Kinnaras. |
...Table opposite page 54, No. (6), line 2, for A.D. 888-76, read A.D. 888. |
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59 |
line 4, for Vanapalli, read Vânapalli. |
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67 |
lines 1 and 2, for Koṭṭayam, read Kôṭṭayam. |
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84 |
text line 10, for [Sanskrit], read [Sanskrit]. |
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88 |
footnote 1,.. ,, [Sanskrit], read [Sanskrit]. |
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,, |
..... ,,.. .7,.. ,, [Sanskrit], read [Sanskrit]. |
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89 |
..... ,,.. .1,.. ,, [Sanskrit], read [Sanskrit]. |
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103 |
line 13, for Paiṭhâṇ, read Paiṭhaṇ. |
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117 |
clause 6, line 5, for 1387, read 1386-87. |
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119 |
line 10, for Pramâdin, read Pramâthin. |
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121 |
text line 32, after [Sanskrit] add a footnote :— Read [Sanskrit]. |
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122 |
text line 51, after [Sanskrit] add a footnote :— Read [Sanskrit]. |
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123 |
text line 79, after [Sanskrit] add a footnote :— Read [Sanskrit]. |
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125 |
line 6 from below, for Pramâdin, read Pramâthin. |
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126 |
line 8 from below, for Kôṭiśârâdhya, read Kôṭîśârâdhya. |
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130 |
line 10 from below, for 80, 3, and 20, read 8, 3, and 2. |
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133 |
text line 26, for 80 read 8. |
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text line 27, cancel the cipher after 20. |
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134 |
line 16 from below, for 100 80 3, read 100 8 3. |
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line 16 from below, cancel the cipher after 20. |
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footnote 3, cancel the words “and in an inscription” to the end of the note. Professor Kielhorn has shown that the actual reading of the Sirpur inscription is not Śavara, but Śaśadhara ; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XVIII. p. 179, and p. 180, note 7. |
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135 |
line 1, for Kharôshṭrî, read Kharôshṭhî. |