The Indian Analyst

South Indian Inscriptions







List of Plates


Additions And Corrections



Inscriptions And Translations

Kalachuri Chedi Era



Early Kalachuris of Mahishmati

Early Gurjaras

Kalachuri of Tripuri

Kalachuri of Sarayupara

Kalachuri of South Kosala

Sendrakas of Gujarat

Early Chalukyas of Gujarat

Dynasty of Harischandra




Economic Condition



Genealogical Tables

Texts And Translations

Incriptions of The Abhiras

Inscriptions of The Maharajas of Valkha

Incriptions of The Mahishmati

Inscriptions of The Traikutakas

Incriptions of The Sangamasimha

Incriptions of The Early Kalcahuris

Incriptions of The Early Gurjaras

Incriptions of The Sendrakas

Incriptions of The Early Chalukyas of Gujarat

Incriptions of The Dynasty of The Harischandra

Incriptions of The Kalachuris of Tripuri

Other South-Indian Inscriptions 

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Vol. 4 - 8

Volume 9

Volume 10

Volume 11

Volume 12

Volume 13

Volume 14

Volume 15

Volume 16

Volume 17

Volume 18

Volume 19

Volume 20

Volume 22
Part 1

Volume 22
Part 2

Volume 23

Volume 24

Volume 26

Volume 27





Annual Reports 1935-1944

Annual Reports 1945- 1947

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 2, Part 2

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 7, Part 3

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 1

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 2

Epigraphica Indica

Epigraphia Indica Volume 3

Indica Volume 4

Epigraphia Indica Volume 6

Epigraphia Indica Volume 7

Epigraphia Indica Volume 8

Epigraphia Indica Volume 27

Epigraphia Indica Volume 29

Epigraphia Indica Volume 30

Epigraphia Indica Volume 31

Epigraphia Indica Volume 32

Paramaras Volume 7, Part 2

Śilāhāras Volume 6, Part 2

Vākāṭakas Volume 5

Early Gupta Inscriptions

Archaeological Links

Archaeological-Survey of India



the defeat of the Haihayas must have occurred before 687 A. C. Thereafter, we do not hear of the Haihayas till the 8th century A. C., except in connection with the marriages of the princesses of the family with the scions of the Eastern and Western Chālukya dynasties.1 The Haihayas, therefore, seem to have remained loyal to their overlords, the Chālukyas, until the latter’s overthrow by the Rāshtrakūtas. The rise of the Rāshtrakūtas led to a change in the political fortune of the Haihayas or Kalachuris, to which we shall turn in a subsequent section.


Several inscriptions2 of the Gurjaras, all of them on copper-plates, dated in the Kalachuri era have been discovered in Western India between the Kīm and the Mahī. They range in dates from K. 380 to K. 486. This country was under the direct rule of the Kalachuris till K. 361 at least; for, in that year Buddharāja made the grant of a village in the Broach District.3 After the overthrow of the Kalachuris, Pulakēśin II extended the northern limit of his empire to the Kim, adding to it the provinces of Konkan, the three Maharashtras and southern Gujarat. Just about that time Harsha, the mighty ruler of Kanauj, was making extensive conquests in the north, and countries far and near were submitting to him. It must have seemed very likely that he would soon press to the south. Pulakēśin, therefore, wisely decided to create a buffer state in Central Gujarat under Dadda II of the Gurjara race, who had probably acquired already some portion of it during the hostilities of the Kalachuris and the Chālukyas in the south. Dadda II on his part was only too glad to acknowledge the suzerainty and get the support of his powerful southern neighbour. The Aihōlē inscription4 tells us that the king of Lāta, Who was none other than this Dadda, as well as the Mālava and the Gurjara, being impressed by Pulakēśin’s valour, became, as it were, teachers of how feudatories subdued by force ought to behave. The grants of Dada II are the earliest Gurjara records so far discovered in Gujarat. Keilhorn has shown that both in their eulogistic formal parts they were drafted on the model of the earlier Kalachuri grants, and from this he rightly conjectured that ‘the family of these chiefs(i.e., the Gurjaras) rose to independence only after the time of the Katachchuri Buddharāja.’5


The Kairā grants of Dadda II mention two earlier princes of the dynasty, viz., his grandfather Dadda I and father Jayabhata I alias Vītarāga. The former, who is styled Sāmanta, was only a feudal lord. As regards the suzerain to whom he owed allegiance, Fleet conjectured that he and also his son Jayabhata I must have been vassals of the Katachchuri king Buddharāja.6 As the known dates of Dadda II range from K. 380 to K. 392, he probably flourished from circa K. 370 to K. 395. His grandfather Dadda I must, therefore, be referred to the period from circa K 320 to K. 345 or from 570 A. C. to 595 A. C. The contemporary Kalachuri emperors were Krishnarāja and his son Sankaragana,7 and not Buddharāja. It is again doubtful if Dadda I was at all ruling in Gujarat. From a copper-plate found at Sankhēdā8 we learn that Nirihullaka was ruling over the lower Narmadā valley, later on the heart of the Gurjara kingdom, as a feudatory
1 See above, p. xlv.
2 Nos. 16-24.
3 No. 15, Vol. Vi, p. 6.
4 Ep. Ind., Vol. Vi, p. 6
5 Ibid., Vol. Vi. p. 296.
6 Bom. Gaz., Vol. I. part ii, p. 315.
7 See above, pp. xlvi ff.
8 No. 13.


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