The Indian Analyst

North Indian Inscriptions







List of Maps and Plates


Additions and Corrections



Political History

The Early Silaharas

The Silaharas of North Konkan

The Silaharas of South Konkan

The Silaharas of Kolhapur


Religious Condition

Social Condition

Economic Condition


Architecture and Sculpture

Texts And Translations  

Inscriptions of the Silaharas of North Konkan

Inscriptions of The Silaharas of South Konkan

Inscriptions of The Silaharas of kolhapur


Additional Inscriptions of the Silaharas


A contemporary Yadava Inscription


Other South-Indian Inscriptions 

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Vol. 4 - 8

Volume 9

Volume 10

Volume 11

Volume 12

Volume 13

Volume 14

Volume 15

Volume 16

Volume 17

Volume 18

Volume 19

Volume 20

Volume 22
Part 1

Volume 22
Part 2

Volume 23

Volume 24

Volume 26

Volume 27





Annual Reports 1935-1944

Annual Reports 1945- 1947

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 2, Part 2

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 7, Part 3

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 1

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 2

Epigraphica Indica

Epigraphia Indica Volume 3

Indica Volume 4

Epigraphia Indica Volume 6

Epigraphia Indica Volume 7

Epigraphia Indica Volume 8

Epigraphia Indica Volume 27

Epigraphia Indica Volume 29

Epigraphia Indica Volume 30

Epigraphia Indica Volume 31

Epigraphia Indica Volume 32

Paramaras Volume 7, Part 2

Śilāhāras Volume 6, Part 2

Vākāṭakas Volume 5

Early Gupta Inscriptions

Archaeological Links

Archaeological-Survey of India




..The Arabic numerals refer to the pages of the Texts and Translations, and the Roman numerals to those of the Introduction ; n. after a numeral, to foot-notes, and Add. to Additions and Corrections. The following other abbreviations also have been used :—au. =author ; Br.= Brāhmaṇa ; ca. =capital ; ch. =chief ; ci. =city ; co. =country ; com. =commentary ; dt. =district ; or division ; do. =ditto ; dy. =dynasty ; engr. =engraver ; ep. =epithet ; f. =female; feu. =feudatory ; gen. =general ; k. =king ; lo. =locality ; I.m. =land-measure ; m. =man ; min. = minister ; mo. =mountain ; myth. =mythological ; off. =officer ; pr. =prince ; q. =queen ; rel. =religious; ri. =river ; s.a. =same as ; sur. =surname ; te. =temple ; t.d. =territorial division ; tit. =title ; tn. =town ; vi. = village; wk. =work ; wt.=weight.



a, initial, form of, 76, 82, 135, 142, 151.
ā, medial, form of, 1, 4.
Abhayanandin, Jaina grammarian, lxxviii, lxxix.
abhichāra, ‘exorcising’ lx.
Abhinanda, poet, lxx.
Abhinandadēva, Jaina muni, 251, 253.
Abhinava-Pampa, Jaina au. lxxix n., lxxx.
Abhinavachhēbhā, field, 65, 70.
Abhinava-Sarasvatī, biruda of q. Chandralēkhā, xxi.
Abhyantara-shaṭshashṭi, t.d., 84, 86, 95, 96, xiv, xxxvii.
Abu praśasti of Tējaḥpāla xix, xx.
Achalapura, ca. of Rāshṭrakūṭa ch. 19.
āchāra-sthiti-patra, document, 107.
Āchugi II, Sinda k. xxxi.
Achyuta Nāyaka, off., xxi.
Ādage, vi., 216.
aḍḍa, wt., lxv.
āḍhaki, a kind of coarse grain, 229 & n., lxiii.
adhishṭhāna, ‘basement’, lxxxvi, lxxxviii.
Adhōrē, m., 168.
Ādityabhaṭṭa, Br., 259, 263, 264, 267.
Ādityaśakti, Sēndraka k., vii.
Ādityavarman, m., 75, 179, 183.
Ādityavarman, Śilāhāra k. of South Koṅkaṇ, 179, 182, 184-186, 191,
xxii, xxiii.
Ādityavarman, Sinda k., 5, 10, xxvi & n.
Advaita-Vēdānta, system of philosophy, lxxvi.
āgama, setarian sacred wk 205, lxxvi.
Āgaradīpaka, vi., 108, 110.
Āgāshī Stone Inscription of Aparāditya I, 279-280.
Āgāshī Stone Inscription of Haripāladēva, 128 n., 143-146.
Agasti, m., 75.
agnihōtra, ‘maintenance of sacred fire’,
29, 35, 54, 59, 95, 99, 12 6, xlvii.
agnishṭikā, vow, 209, 313, liv.
agrahāra, ‘royal gift of land’, 194, 198, 265.
Āhavamalla, s.a. Sōmēśvara I, Later Chālukya k., xxix, xxx.
Āhavamalla, Kalachuri k. of Kalyāṇī, xxxiii, xxxiv.
Āhavamalla, min., 145, 146.
Ahichchhatra, s.a. Ayyavoḷe, tn. 231, 234, 242, 245, lx.
Aihoḷe Inscription of Pulakēśin II, 17 n., vii.
Aiyapa, ch., xii.
Aiyapa, Śilāhāra k. of South Koṅkaṇ, 179, 182,
184-186, 191, ii, xxii, xxiii.
Aiyapadēva, k., 45, 52, 80, 83.
Ājiragē-kholla, t.d., 222, 247, 249, xxxvii.
Ajjavasa, Yādava ch., xiv.
Ājurikā, lo. xxxii, xxxv, li, lx, lxxvii, lxxix.
Ājyapā-nāyaka, m., 114, 115.
Akālavarsha, s.a. Kṛishṇa II, Rāshṭrakūṭa k., 10, 15, 184, 190.
Āketa-seṭṭi, merchant., 244.
Akhaḍada, stream, 192.
aksha-mālā, ‘rosary of beads’, lxxxix.
akshaya-nīvi, ‘perpetual endowment’, xlvii-lxiii.
Akshī Stone Inscription of Kēśidēva II, 167-168.
Alaktakapura, s.a. Raktapura, tn., lxxviii.
Aliyama, Arab merchant, xv.
Allaśakti, Sēndraka k., viii.
Alli, Arab m., lxi.
Alliya, Arab m., 72, 75.

  Al-Masudi, Arab traveller, xi.
Altekar, 8, 44, 151 n., 159, 169 n.,
170, 173, iii, xvi n., xxviii.
Āmadēvaiya, Br., 54, 59.
Āmalla, Śilāhāra k. of South Koṅkaṇ, 179, 182, 185.
Ambaḍā, vi., 132.
Ambaḍa, gen., xviii & n., xix.
Ambaranāth, lo., 113.
Ambarnāth Temple Inscription of Māṁvaṇirāja, 110-113, lix.
Āmbe Stone Inscription, xx.
Āmbevarika, vi., 268, 269, 273.
Ambhayā, m., 130.
Ambhōjaśambhu, Śaiva ascetic, 185, 187, 192, xxiv, xlix, 1.
Āmbivalī, vi., 86.
Ambuśrēshṭhin, merchant, 37, 43.
Ammaṇa, k., 45, 52, 80, 83, xii.
Ammaṇaiya, off., 18-20, 26, 28, 29.
Āmnāya, Western, of Śaiva sect, 165, 170, 1.
Amōghavarsha I, Rāshṭrakūṭa k., 1, 3, 6-8, 10, 15, 24, 184.
190, x, xlix.
Amōghavarsha II, Rāshṭrakūṭa k., 10, 19, 24, 37, 191, 194.
Amōghavarsha III, Rāshṭrakūṭa k., 10, 11, 15, 19, 24, 37, 179.
182, lxxiii.
Aṁśunagara, tn., xii.
Amuka, min., 128 & n., 130-132,
162, 163, 280, 282.
Aṇahilapaṭṭana, Chāulukya ca., xix, lxviii n.
Anatadēva I or Ananatapāla,
Śilāhāra k. of North Koṅkaṇ, 113.
115, 116, 120, 121,
127, 215, ix, x, xviii n., xxxi.
xl, xli, lxi. invasion of his
kingdom by the Kadambas and
their Arab allies, and their defeat,
164, 165, 281, x, xx
Anantadēva III, Silāhāra k. of North Konkan, 172, 173, x, xx.
Ananta-nāyaka, m., 146.
Anantapai, m., 161-163.
Anantapai, off., 171 n.
Anantaprabhu, min. 169, 171 & n.
Anantugi, off., 153.
Andhra, co., 19, 25, 1.
Anēkaśēsha-vyākaraṇa, Jaina
Sanskrit grammar lxxviii.
Ānēvāḍī, hamlet, 145, 146.
Aṅga, co., v.
aṅga-bhōga, ‘worship of a deity’, 87 & n.
aṅga-dēvatā, ‘subordinate goddess’, lxxxix.
Aniruddha, off., viii.
Aṇitapallā-vishaya, dt., 128, 130, xxxvi.
añjali-mudrā, pose, 64.
Añjanerī Plates of Bhōgaśakti, 38, 43, i n., viii.
Añjuvaṇṇam, ‘artisan’, 58 n.
Aṅkulagē, vi., 216, 220.
Annaṇā, fem., 198.
Annapaiya, scribe, 37, 44.
Annapālīya, t.d., 70, lxvii & n.
Aṇṇiga, Pallava ch., 10.
antarāla, ‘vestibule’, iv, lxxxv, lxxxvi.
Aparāditya I or Aparājita, Śilāhāra k.
of North Koṅkaṇ, 120, 121,
126-134, 141, 143, 154 n.,
156-165, 169, 279, 280, x, xli,
lix, lxxiii ; invasion and
occupation of his kingdom by
Kadamba Jayakēśin II, lxvii;
his defeat, and recovery of
the kingdom by him, xvii; helped
by Gaṇḍarāditya,
xxxii; sent an ambassador to Kāshmīr, xvii ; author of


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