The Indian Analyst

North Indian Inscriptions







List of Maps and Plates


Additions and Corrections



Political History

The Early Silaharas

The Silaharas of North Konkan

The Silaharas of South Konkan

The Silaharas of Kolhapur


Religious Condition

Social Condition

Economic Condition


Architecture and Sculpture

Texts And Translations  

Inscriptions of the Silaharas of North Konkan

Inscriptions of The Silaharas of South Konkan

Inscriptions of The Silaharas of kolhapur


Additional Inscriptions of the Silaharas


A contemporary Yadava Inscription


Other South-Indian Inscriptions 

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Vol. 4 - 8

Volume 9

Volume 10

Volume 11

Volume 12

Volume 13

Volume 14

Volume 15

Volume 16

Volume 17

Volume 18

Volume 19

Volume 20

Volume 22
Part 1

Volume 22
Part 2

Volume 23

Volume 24

Volume 26

Volume 27





Annual Reports 1935-1944

Annual Reports 1945- 1947

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 2, Part 2

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 7, Part 3

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 1

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 2

Epigraphica Indica

Epigraphia Indica Volume 3

Indica Volume 4

Epigraphia Indica Volume 6

Epigraphia Indica Volume 7

Epigraphia Indica Volume 8

Epigraphia Indica Volume 27

Epigraphia Indica Volume 29

Epigraphia Indica Volume 30

Epigraphia Indica Volume 31

Epigraphia Indica Volume 32

Paramaras Volume 7, Part 2

Śilāhāras Volume 6, Part 2

Vākāṭakas Volume 5

Early Gupta Inscriptions

Archaeological Links

Archaeological-Survey of India




Silahāras ; but it was soon annexed by the Kadambas of Goā, in whose possession it remained for a long time. The Narendra inscription says that the Kadamba king Shashṭha II, advancing from his capital Chandrapura, first annexed Koṅkaṇ, and extending his conquest to the north, subdued even Kavaḍīdvīpa. The Koṅkaṇ he is said to have annexed was evidently South Koṅkaṇ. He must have wrested it from the Śilāhāras of Kolhapur.

..The Kadambas of Goā had the support of the mighty Chālukya Emperor Vikramāditya VI, with whom they were matrimonially connected. Jayakeśin I had married his daughter to the Chālukya Emperor. Again, the latter gave his daughter Mailladevī to Jayakeśin II, the grandson of Jayakeśin I, So these Kadambas of Goā were secure in their possession of South Koṅkaṇ. Several of them are described as ruling over that Koṅkaṇ. Thus, Jayakeśin II is described as ruling over the hereditory province of Kōṅkaṇa-900 (i.e. South Koṅkaṇ). His son Pērmaḍidēva (alias Vishṇuchitta) is described as having Koṅkaṇa-900 under his rule. His nephew Jayakeśin III also is said to have continued to hold the hereditory provinces of Halasige and Koṅkaṅa-900 from the beginning of his reign to its close. This claim is, how-ever, contradicted by the Kutāpur Grant of Bhōja II, which records the royal donation of some land in the Rājāpur tālukā of the Ratnāgiri District. Perhaps, the Kadamba king Vishṇuchitta (alias Vijayāditya) had transferred South Koṅkaṇ to the Śilāhāras of Kolhāpur when he was reinstated on the throne by the Śilāhāra king Vijayāditya.



.. THE third family of the Śilāhāras was ruling over what is now known as the Southern Marāṭha Country comprising the modern districts of Sātārā, Sāṅglī, Kolhāpur and Belgaon. Its ancient name was Kuntala. [1] The early history of this country is uncertain. About the middle of the fourth century A.D. it was under the rule of the Early Rāshṭrakūṭas, who had their capital at Mānapura (modern Māṇ in the Māṇ talukā of the Satārā District), which was evidently founded and named after himself by king Mānāṅka, the founder of this family. [2] This family was known as Kuntalēśvara or the lord of the Kuntala country. It had the support of the famous Gupta king Chandragupta II-Vikramāditya of North India. According to a tradition recorded by several Sanskrit writers such as Rājaśekhara, Bhōja and Kshēmēndra, the Gupta king sent his Court-poet Kālidāsa to the court of the contemporary Rāshṭrakūṭa king who was probably Dēvarāja, the son of Mānāṅka. Later, this family had matrimonial connection with the became subordinate to the Vākāṭakas of Vidarbha. It seems to have been ruling over this part of the country till the rise of Pulakēśin II of the Early Chālukya dynasty of Bādāmī. Gōvinda, who invaded the kingdom of the Chālukyas from the north of the Bhīmarathī family. [3] Pulakēśin later overthrew the king and annexed the country to his dominion. He placed his brother Vishṇuvardhana in charge of the territory for some time. [4] Later, it was under his direct rule.

[1] The Kuntala country comprised the territory watered by the upper course of the Kṛishṇavarṇā or Kṛishṇā. See विख्यतकृष्‍णवर्णे तैलस्नेहोपलब्धसरलत्वे । कुन्तलविषये नितरां विराजते मल्लिकामोदः ॥ Ep. Ind., vol. XII, p. 153. Karahāṭa 4000 (modern Karhāḍ in the Sātārā District) was included in Kuntala. An. Rep. Ind. Ep. for 1953-54, No. 18.
[2] Studies in Indology, Vol. IV, pp. 124 f.
[3] Loc. cit.
[4] J.B.B.R.A.S., Vol. II (old series), pp. 12 f.


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